How to share authentication between multiple applications in ASP.NET
If you are looking for sharing an authentication across all
your ASP.NET applications, then this is the article you should follow. At the
end of the article you would be amazed with the approach and the behavior since it
is as much as simple to implement.
The following approach which I am discussing here will work
for between either ASP.NET MVC applications or ASP.NET web form applications or
between ASP.NET MVC and web form applications.
This approach will work for only when your ASP.NET
applications using Forms Authentication.
You can maintain the same authentication by sharing forms
authentication ticket across all your application in the form of cookie.
I am giving step by step example practically between the two
ASP.NET application, again doesn’t matter whether it a MVC app or Web form app.
Step I:
In web.config, add the below machine key under <system.web>
in both the applications. Make sure machine key must be exactly same in both
apps. The machine key is required to decrypt the forms authentication ticket.
First application machine key:
validationKey="5533B5B116101E2620ED9F87A8DD3DB0456BC29031A62ED26251518DE620E7118A9943341AEDEA36E35C7E374553F2F93A0F43F1BE61FE4717246AF15C549737" decryptionKey="B68191FE6ACF945B33BB0D101DD892120B531C1B803FB0300D96F822ED7F19E2" validation="SHA1" decryption="AES" compatibilityMode="Framework20SP1" />
Second application machine key:
validationKey="5533B5B116101E2620ED9F87A8DD3DB0456BC29031A62ED26251518DE620E7118A9943341AEDEA36E35C7E374553F2F93A0F43F1BE61FE4717246AF15C549737" decryptionKey="B68191FE6ACF945B33BB0D101DD892120B531C1B803FB0300D96F822ED7F19E2" validation="SHA1" decryption="AES" compatibilityMode="Framework20SP1" />
Step II:
In web.config, add the below forms authentication segment in
both the applications. If you are running the applications on your local
machine, then keep the domain name either empty or localhost else provide the
IP address.
First application:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".ASPXAUTH" loginUrl="~/Account/Login" timeout="60" slidingExpiration="true" domain="localhost" />
Second application:
<authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name=".ASPXAUTH" loginUrl="LoginPage.aspx" timeout="30" slidingExpiration="true" domain="localhost" />
Step III:
Use the below code when you are logging into application from both the apps. On
successful login from first application redirect to second application. In the
same way, when you are login to second application redirect to first
var oCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(model.Username, false);
var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(oCookie.Value);
FormsAuthenticationTicket oTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(ticket.Version,
txtUsername.Text, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60), true, “”);
string cookieStr = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(oTicket);
oCookie.Value = cookieStr;
Once you done with above three steps, let’s go ahead and
test it in the following way.
Access the first application and login. You would be
redirected to second application and access the resources without login again.
Now close the browser, access the second application and
login. You would be redirected to first application and access the resources
without login.
Since the same authentication cookie is sharing between
your applications, if you are logout from one application then you will be
forcefully logged out from the other application too.
Hope this helps...! For any queries please use the below
comment box.
I love it when individuals get together and share opinions.
ReplyDeleteGreat site, continue the good work!
this is nearly what I need, does this work when my applications are in separate servers? (same network)
ReplyDeleteYes, but they should under the same domain.
Deletewhen it execute Response.Redirect("http://localhost:4840/"); for my case, i got session variable error on second application where i am storing the user info in the sessions. how to avoid session variable errors on second application when sharing authentication between two web apps.?