Getting list of all database tables with row counts in SQL Server
Sometimes when you are working with big size databases in
SQL Server, you were interested in listing all the database tables along with
the row count against each table. Here is an example on how it will look like
if you can do this:
The above picture lists all the tables from NORTHWND
database and also shows number of rows from each table.
Ok, now we will look into on how we can achieve this in SQL Server. There are couple of methods to do the same, but here I would like to provide the two best methods. For demonstration purpose here I was using SQL Server 2014.
Method 1: The first method is the very simple and easiest way by running the predefined report within SQL Server.
Go to SQL Server, Right click on database -> Reports
-> Standard Reports -> Disk Usage by Top Tables
Method 2: The second one is the query base process where we will use a T-SQL statements to get the list of all tables with row counts. Here is the query I have built using CURSORS:
Method 2: The second one is the query base process where we will use a T-SQL statements to get the list of all tables with row counts. Here is the query I have built using CURSORS:
USE NORTHWND GO CREATE TABLE #TablesWithRowCount ( TableName NVARCHAR(150), TotalRowCount INT ) DECLARE @tblName NVARCHAR(150) DECLARE DBtables CURSOR FOR SELECT name from SYS.TABLES OPEN DBtables FETCH NEXT FROM DBtables INTO @tblName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @count INT DECLARE @totalRows INT SET @totalRows = 0 SET @SQL= 'SELECT @count = COUNT(*) FROM [' + @tblName + ']' EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL, N'@COUNT INT OUT', @totalRows OUT INSERT INTO #TablesWithRowCount VALUES (@tblName, @totalRows) FETCH NEXT FROM DBtables INTO @tblName END SELECT * FROM #TablesWithRowCount ORDER BY TableName DROP TABLE #TablesWithRowCount CLOSE DBtables DEALLOCATE DBtables GOHope this helps. Have any questions? Let’s throw them in below comment box...
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